
To use microparcel_tools from command line:

microparcel_tools path/to/schema.json --py path/to/generate/py/dir -cxx path/to/generate/c++/dir


python -m microparcel_tools path/to/schema.json --py path/to/generate/py/dir -cxx path/to/generate/c++/dir

The schemas is the source file, written in JSON. See the examples in examples. It will generates: * A Message File: defines all the necessary fields * A Router File per endpoint; they provides static “make” methods and pure virtual “process” methods.

basically, it describes nodes and fields.

A node can have children node, it allows to organize messages by subject. And a node without children (called a Leaf) can have Fields.

The endpoints are the termination of the serial line (eg: Master or Slave). A message is send by one or more endpoint (defined by sender) This defines which Endpoint has a “make” method and a “process” method

The microparcel_tool generates, in python or C++, source code to generate microparcel messages, or to process them, in order to send them via a serial line.

This piece of Schema will generate

"version":{"major":0, "minor":1},
"endpoints":["Master", "Slave"],
                        {"name":"ID", "short_name":"ID", "bitsize":4},
                        {"name":"Unit", "short_name":"Un", "enum_name":"SpeedUnit"},
                        {"name":"Value", "short_name":"Va", "bitsize":12},

A Master Router

class FarmMasterRouter {
    virtual void processWindspeed(uint8_t in_windspeedid, FarmMsg::SpeedUnit in_windspeedunit, uint16_t in_windspeedvalue) = 0;

A Slave Router

class FarmSlaveRouter {
    static FarmMsg makeWindspeed(uint8_t in_windspeedid, FarmMsg::SpeedUnit in_windspeedunit, uint16_t in_windspeedvalue){
        FarmMsg msg = FarmMsg();




        return msg;

Sending Message

Creating and sending a message is easy (from Slave side):

#include <microparcel/microparcel.h>
#include "FarmMsg.h"
#include "FarmSlaveRouter.h"

class FarmSlaveRouterImplementation: public FarmSlaveRouter {
    // need to implement all pure virtual process methods for others messages.
    // virtual void process...{

// prototype to send data
void send(uint8_t *data, uint8_t datasize);

int main(){
    // a Parser for FarmMessage.
    using TParser = microparcel::Parser<FarmMsg::kSize>;

    FarmMsg msg = FarmSlaveRouterImplementation::makeWindspeed(5, FarmMsg::SpeedUnit_Knot, 100);

    // builds the frame, with SOF and checksum
    TParser::Frame_T frame = TParser.encode(msg);

    // send over physical layer of choice
    send((uint8_t*)&inFrame, TFrame::FrameSize);


Receiving message

The master side and the slave implements the virtual process methods; where their parameters are the relevant one (windspeed and ID of the measure)

A Router has a “process” methods:

void process(FarmMsg &in_msg){
    // big automatic generated switch-case

Calling “process” with a VALID message received from microparcel ‘s Parser.parse will call the right virtual processes method.

#include <microparcel/microparcel.h>
#include "FarmMsg.h"
#include "FarmMasterRouter.h"

class FarmMasterRouterImplementation: public FarmMasterRouter {
    virtual void processWindspeed(uint8_t in_windspeedid, FarmMsg::SpeedUnit in_windspeedunit, uint16_t in_windspeedvalue){
        // DO SOMETHING
        notifyViaWifi(in_windspeedid, in_windspeedvalue);

// a way to get data from a Serial Line (UART ?)
uint8_t getByteFromDataLine();
bool isDataLineEmpty();

int main(){
    // a Parser for FarmMessage.
    using TParser = microparcel::Parser<FarmMsg::kSize>;

    FarmMasterRouterImplementation fmri;
    FarmMsg msg;

    TParser parser;
    TParser::Status status;

    // main loop of embedded application
        // continue till the fifo is empty
            uint8_t byte = getByteFromDataLine();
            status = parser.parse(byte, &msg);
                // not complete and error could be treated differently...
                // error means mainly that the checksum is not valid; transmission failed.
                case TParser::eNotComplete:
                case TParser::eError:

                case TParser::eComplete:
                    // msg is complete, handle it
